Terms of use

Please read these Terms of Service ("Terms") carefully. They contain legal terms and conditions governing your use of the services provided to you by GentleFur Studio, including information, text, images, graphics, data or other materials ("Content") and products and services provided through www.gentlefur.cn, and other elements, software, programs and code that make up or merge into www.gentlefur.cn ("Services"). This service is operated by GentleFur Studio. GentleFur Studio is also referred to in these terms as "we," "our" and "we."
By using our Services, you agree to comply with Part I of these Terms ("General Terms"), which contains provisions that apply to all users of our Services, including visitors to the GentleFur Studio website ("Website"). If you choose to register as a member of us, purchase products from the GentleFur Studio Store or consign items in our Store, you will be bound by the additional terms set forth in Part II of these Terms ("Additional Terms").

Section 1: General terms

1. Availability

This Service is provided by GentleFur Studio on an "as is" and "existing" basis, and GentleFur Studio reserves the right to modify, suspend or terminate the Services at any time without notice. You agree that GentleFur Studio shall not be liable for any modification, suspension or termination of the Service.

2. Privacy

GentleFur Studio is firmly committed to protecting your privacy. Please review GentleFur Studio's privacy policy. GentleFur Studio's Privacy Policy Terms are incorporated into these Terms and form part of these Terms.

3. Trademarks

All brands, products and services used in this Service are identified as GentleFur Studio or third parties and their products and services, and are the exclusive logo of GentleFur Studio and/or related third parties. Nothing in the Service shall be consoned as granting any license or right to any such image, logo or name to any person, GentleFur Studio, or any third party.

4. Copyright

Unless otherwise noted, GentleFur Studio is the owner of all copyright and data rights in the Service and its content. The individual who distributes the work to GentleFur Studio must be the copyright owner of the part of the work, or the work may be published with the permission of the copyright owner or his or her agent or otherwise permitted by law. You may not reproduce, distribute, publicly display or perform or prepare derivative works based on any content, including any such work, without the express written consent of GentleFur Studio or the consent of the appropriate copyright owner of such works. GentleFur Studio does not claim ownership of your work or other materials you post to GentleFur Studio. You agree not to distribute any part of your content to your content outside the scope permitted by these Terms of Service or by using features in the services we provide. You agree not to change or modify any part of the Service unless we expressly allow or use the features in the Services we provide.

5. External links

GentleFur Studio may provide links to third-party websites or resources. You acknowledge and agree that GentleFur Studio is not responsible for the availability or accuracy of the following websites or resources: content, products or services on such websites or resources. Links to such websites or resources do not imply any endorsement by GentleFur Studio of such websites or resources or the content, products or services provided by such websites or resources. You acknowledge full responsibility and all risks arising from the use of any such website or resource.

6. Third-party software

For convenience, we may provide third-party software through the Service. To use third-party software, you must agree to the terms and conditions set forth by the third-party provider, and the agreement to use such software will be limited to you and the third-party provider. By downloading third-party software, you acknowledge and agree that the software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. Under no circumstances shall GentleFur Studio be liable, directly or indirectly, for claims or damages of any nature arising out of or in connection with any third-party software downloaded through the Service.

7. Behavior

You agree not to interfere with or disrupt (or attempt to interfere with or disrupt) the Service or the servers or networks connected to the Service, or to fail to comply with any requirements, procedures, policies or regulations of the networks associated with the Service; or provide GentleFur Studio with any information that is false or misleading in an attempt to hide your identity or information that you are not authorized to disclose. GentleFur Studio does not endorse any content provided to the Service by third parties or any comments or suggestions contained in such content. You agree to defend, indemnify, and protect GentleFur Studio, its officers, directors, employees and agents from damages, including but not limited to reasonable legal and expert costs, in respect of any claims, liabilities, damages, losses and costs arising out of any manner relating to your access to or use of the Services or your violation of these Terms.

8. Disclaimers and limitations of liability

GENTLEFUR STUDIO makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, about the operation of the Service or the content or products provided through the Service. You expressly agree to use the Service at your own risk. GENTLEFUR STUDIO does not provide any express or implied warranty to the maximum extent permitted by law, including, but not limited to, implied guarantees of marketability, suitability for specific uses and non-infringement. GENTLEFUR STUDIO makes no warranty as to the safety, reliability, timeliness and performance of the Service. You expressly acknowledge that GENTLEFUR STUDIO is not responsible for your defamation, offensive or unlawful conduct or such conduct by third parties, and you expressly assume all risks and liability for damages and losses arising from such conduct. EXCEPT for the maximum remedies provided by law, GENTLEFUR STUDIO shall not be liable for any damages arising from the use of the Service, including, but not limited to, direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special, disciplinary or punitive damages, even if GENTLEFUR STUDIO has been informed of the possibility of such damages. The above disclaimers, exemptions and limitations apply to any failure for the basic purpose of any limited remedy. Certain jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of certain limitations or limitations of warranty or damage. Therefore, some of these exclusions or restrictions may not apply to you. In no event shall GENTLEFUR STUDIO's cumulative liability to you exceed the amount you paid to GENTLEFUR STUDIO in accordance with this Agreement.

9. Amend the terms

We reserve the right to modify these terms at any time. If you are registered as a Member, we will notify you of any material changes to these Terms (and the effective date of such changes) by emailing you to the address provided by GentleFur Studio to your account. For all other users, we will post the revised terms on the site. If you continue to use the Service after the amendments take effect, you are deemed to have accepted the changes. If you do not agree to the revised terms, your only remedy is to discontinue the use of the Service.

Section II: Additional terms

First, the agreement signed

Careful Reading: You should read this Agreement carefully before clicking agree to it during the registration process. Please be sure to read and fully understand the contents of the terms, in particular the terms of exemption or limitation of liability, the application of the law and the terms of dispute resolution. The terms of exemption or limitation of liability will be underlined in bold and you should focus on reading them. If you have any questions about the agreement, you can contact GentleFur Studios.

Signing Action: When you fill in the information, read and agree to this Agreement and complete the registration process as prompted by the registration page, you have fully read, understood and accepted the full contents of this Agreement and have agreed with GentleFur Studio to become a "user" of the GentleFur Studio platform. In the course of reading this Agreement, you should immediately stop the registration process if you do not agree to this Agreement or any of its terms.

Second, the scope of the agreement

2.1 The subject of the contract

Equal Subjects This Agreement is concluded by you in conjunction with the Gentrefur Studio operator and is valid for both you and gentrefur Studio operators.

2.2 Supplementary Agreement

Due to the rapid development of the Internet, the terms set out in this Agreement between you and Gentlifur Studio do not fully list and cover all rights and obligations between you and Gentlifur Studio, nor do existing agreements guarantee that they will be fully compliant with future development needs. Therefore, gentlefur Studio's legal notices and privacy policies, and gentlefur Studio rules are supplementary to this Agreement and are indivisible and have the same legal effect as this Agreement. If you use the Gentleefur Studio Services, you agree to the supplementary agreement described above.

Third, account registration and use

3.1 User eligibility

You acknowledge that before you begin registering to use the Gentlefur Studio Services, you shall have the civil capacity required by law of the People's Republic of China to act in accordance with your conduct. If you do not have the civil capacity described above to be appropriate to your conduct, you and your guardian shall bear all consequences as required by law.

In addition, you need to ensure that you are not the subject of trade restrictions, sanctions, or other legal or rule restrictions imposed by any country, international organization, or region, or you may not be able to properly register and use the Gentlefur Studio service.

3.2 Account description

Account Acquisition: Once you have completed the information, read and agreed to this Agreement and completed the full registration process, you may obtain a Gentlefur Studio account and become a Gentleefur Studio user.

Gentlefur Studio only allows one Gentrefur Studio account per user. If there is evidence or Thatfour Studio determines that you improperly registered or used multiple Gentlefur Studio accounts in accordance with Gentlefur Studio rules, Gentlefur Studio may take measures such as freezing or closing the account, canceling orders, refusing to provide services, etc., and you are also liable for any loss caused to Gentruffur Studio and related parties.

Account Use: You have the right to log in to Gentleefur Studio using the Gentleefur Studio membership name, email address, mobile phone number ("Account Name") and the password you set (account name and password are referred to as "Account").

Your Gentleefur Studio account is for your own use only as your Gentleefur Studio account is linked to your personal information and Gentleefur Studio business information. Without Gentrefur Studio's consent, your direct or indirect authorization to third parties to use your Gentleefur Studio account or to obtain information under your account is void. Gentlefur Studio may refuse to provide the Services or terminate this Agreement if Gentleefur Studio determines that the use of your Gentleefur Studio account may compromise the security of your account and/or the information security of Gentleefur Studio in accordance with the breach determination procedures and standards agreed in the Gentlefur Studio Rules.

Account Transfers: As the User Account is linked to the User's credit information, you may transfer the Account only if expressly provided by law, judicially determined or with the consent of Gentleefur Studio and in accordance with the User Account Transfer Process as set forth in the Gentleefur Studio Rules. Once your account has been transferred, the rights and obligations under that account are transferred together. In addition, your account may not be transferred in any way, otherwise Gentlefur Studio reserves the right to hold you liable for breach of contract and you are solely responsible for all liability arising therefrom.

As a Gentleefur Studio operator, gentlefur Studio may require you to complete real-name certification in accordance with our laws in order to make better use of Gentleefur Studio's services and secure your account.

3.3 Registration Information Management

3.3.1 True and legal

When using the Gentlefur Studio service, you should provide your information (including your name and email address, contact number, contact address, etc.) accurately and completely as prompted by the Gentlefur Studio page, so that Gentlefur Studio or other users can contact you. You understand and agree that you have an obligation to maintain the authenticity and validity of the information you provide.

Legality of Membership Name: The Gentlefur Studio membership you have set may not violate national laws and regulations and the regulations governing membership names in the Gentleefur Studio rules, otherwise Gentleefur Studio may recycle your Gentleefur Studio membership name. The collection of Gentlefur Studio membership names does not affect your access to Gentrefur Studio and the Gentleefur Studio service by email address, mobile phone number.

3.3.2 Update maintenance

You should update the information you provide in a timely manner, and where the law expressly requires Gentrefur Studio to verify the information of some users (e.g. Platform Sellers, etc.) as a platform service provider, Gentlefur Studio will check your information from time to time in accordance with the law and you shall cooperate with the provision of up-to-date, truthful, complete and valid information.

If Gentlifur Studio does not contact you on the basis of the information you last provided, if you fail to provide the information in a timely manner as requested by Gentlifur Studio, if the information you provide is manifestly false or if the administrative authorities verify that the information you provided is invalid, you will be liable for all losses and adverse consequences against yourself, others and Gentlifur Studio. Gentlefur Studio may notify you of inquiries or requests for rectification and require you to recertify until some or all of Gentleefur Studio services are suspended or terminated for you, for which Gentlefur Studio is not responsible.

3.4 Account Security Code

Account Security Obligations Your account is set up for you and kept by you, and Gentlefur Studio will not ask you for your account password at any time. Therefore, it is recommended that you keep your account safe and make sure that you log out at the end of each Internet session and leave Gentleefur Studio in the correct steps.

Gentlefur Studio is not responsible for the loss and consequences of your account due to your voluntary disclosure or as a result of your being attacked, defrauded, etc., and you shall recover from the infringer through judicial, administrative and other remedies.

Account Conduct Responsibility : Except at fault at Gentlefur Studio, you are responsible for all results of your actions under your account, including, but not limited to, signing agreements online, posting information, purchasing goods and services, and disclosing information.

Daily Maintenance Notes If you find any unauthorized use of your account to log into Gentlifur Studio or other circumstances that may result in the theft or loss of your account, we recommend that you notify Gentlifur Studio immediately. You understand that Gentlefur Studio takes reasonable time to act on any of your requests, and that the actions taken by Gentlefur Studio at your request may not prevent or prevent the consequences of the infringement from forming or expanding, except where there is a statutory fault on part by Gentlefur Studios, Gentlefur Studio is not responsible.

Four, Gentlefur Studio services and specifications

Service Profile: You have the right to store management, sales and promotion of goods and/or services, purchase and evaluation of goods and/or services, and transaction dispute resolution on Gentlifur Studio. Gentlefur Studio offers a wide range of services, so you can visit Gentleefur Studio.

4.1 Store management

Create a product By creating a product on Gentleefur Studio, you can post new or second-hand product and/or service information and close deals with other users.

If you take off all goods, you should continue to bear the responsibility for the protection of transactions such as shipping, return and exchange and warranty maintenance, and handling of rights complaints, etc. for transactions reached before the closure of your store.

4.2 Sales and promotion of goods and/or services

Product and/or Service Information Releases Through the services provided by Gentrefur Studio, you have the right to post information about goods and/or services on Gentlefur Studio, solicit and identify and close transactions by text, pictures, video, audio, etc.

Prohibited Sales Scope You shall ensure that you have the appropriate rights to the goods and/or services you post on Gentrefur Studio, and that you do not sell the following goods and/or provide the following services on Gentlefur Studio

(1) Prohibited or restricted by the State;

(2) infringing the intellectual property rights or other lawful rights and interests of others;

(iii) The Gentlefur Studio rules, notices, notices or agreements signed separately by each platform with you expressly state that they are not suitable for sale and/or provision on Gentlefur Studio.

Trade Order Guarantees You shall abide by the principle of good faith to ensure that the information you post about goods and/or services is true, consistent with the goods and/or services you actually sell, and that your trading commitments are fulfilled in the course of your transactions.

Promotions and Promotions You have the right to promote and promote your products and/or services at your discretion, and Gentlefur Studio offers a wide range of promotional tools. Your promotional practices should comply with national laws and regulations and the requirements of Gentlefur Studio.

Paying taxes according to law is the obligation of every citizen and enterprise, and you shall report your tax payment to the tax authorities in a timely and full manner in the part of sales/turnover exceeding the statutory exemption.

4.3 Purchase and evaluation of goods and/or services

Purchase of Goods and/or Services When you purchase goods and/or services at Gentrefur Studio, please be sure to carefully confirm the name, price, quantity, model, specification, size or time of service, content, restrictive requirements, etc. of the goods purchased, and verify your contact address, telephone number, consignee, etc. at the time of placing your order. If the consignee you fill in is not you, you are responsible for the legal consequences of the consignee's conduct and meaning.

Your purchases should be based on real consumer demand and there should be no malicious purchases of goods and/or services, malicious rights protections, etc. that disturb the normal trading order of Gentrefur Studio. Based on the need to maintain Gentrefur Studio's trading order and trade security,Gentlefur Studio can proactively perform operations such as closing relevant trading orders when it discovers the above situations.

You have the right to evaluate other user goods and/or services that have been entered into in a deal with you in the evaluation system provided by Gentrefur Studio. You should understand that your evaluation information at Gentleefur Studio is public and that if you do not wish to disclose your identity to the public in the evaluation information, you have the right to choose to publish the evaluation content anonymously.

All of your evaluations shall be subject to the rules of Gentlifur Studio and shall be objective and truthful and shall not contain any foul language, pornography, advertising information and other prohibited information set forth in laws and regulations and this Agreement; Gentlefur Studio may delete or block evaluation information arising from your conduct in accordance with the gentlefur Studio rules.

4.4 Transaction dispute resolution

Transaction Dispute Resolution Channels If you have a dispute with another user during the Gentlefur Studio transaction, either of you or any other user has the right to resolve it by:

(1) to consult independently with the opposite party to the dispute;

(ii) the use of dispute transfer services provided by Gentlifur Studio;

(3) Request the consumer association or other mediation organization established according to law to mediate;

(4) To lodge a complaint with the relevant administrative department;

(5) to submit the arbitration agreement (if any) to the arbitration institution in accordance with the arbitration agreement reached with the opposite party to the dispute;

(6) Bring a suit in a people's court.

4.5 Cost

Gentlefur Studio pays a significant cost for the services gentrfur Studio provides to you, which is currently free of charge, in addition to Gentrefur Studio's expressly fee-based services. If Gentrefur Studios charges you a reasonable fee in the future, Gentlefur Studio will take reasonable steps and notify you in advance of the statutory process and in the manner set out in Treaty VIII of this Agreement, ensuring that you have the right to make a full choice.

4.6 Limitations of liability

Force Majeure and Third Party Reasons: Gentlefur Studio performs its basic safeguard obligations in accordance with the law, but is not liable for breach of contract, performance defects, delays in performance, or changes in performance due to:

(1) Force majeure factors such as natural disasters, strikes, riots, war, government actions, judicial executive orders, etc.;

(2) Public service factors or third-party factors such as power supply failure and communication network failure;

(iii) In the case of good faith management by Gentrefur Studio, due to conventional or urgent equipment and system maintenance, equipment and system failures, network information and data security and other factors.

A huge amount of information Gentlefur Studio only provides you with the Gentrefur Studio service, and you understand that the information on Gentleefur Studio is self-published by the user and may be risky and flawed. Gentlefur Studio will protect your legitimate rights and interests and good experience on Gentlifur Studio as much as possible by establishing a relevant inspection and monitoring system in accordance with the law. At the same time, due to the fact that Gentlefur Studio is characterized by the existence of a large amount of information and the separation of information from the physical in an information network environment,Gentlefur Studio is unable to review information on goods and/or services on a case-by-case basis, and cannot review the goods and/ or the quality, safety, legality, authenticity, and accuracy of the Services, which you should exercise caution.

V. Protection and authorization of user information

5.1 Protection of personal information

Gentlefur Studio takes the protection of the user's personal information (i.e., information that identifies the user independently or in combination with other information) very seriously, and when you use the services provided by Gentlefur Studio, you agree that Gentleefur Studio collects, stores, uses, discloses and protects your personal information in accordance with the privacy policy published on Gentleefur Studio. Gentlefur Studio wants to give you a clear picture of how Gentrefur Studio handles your personal information through its privacy policy, so Gentrefur Studio recommends that you read the Privacy Policy in its entirety (click here) to help you better protect your privacy.

5.2 Guarantees and authorizations for non-personal information

Release of Information You represent and warrant that you have the appropriate and lawful rights to the information you post. Otherwise,Gentlefur Studio may delete or block information you post in accordance with the law or in accordance with this Agreement.

Prohibited Information: You should ensure that the information you post does not include the following:

(1) violating the prohibitions of national laws and regulations;

(2) Political propaganda, feudal superstition, obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, terror or instigation of crimes;

(3) fraudulent, false, inaccurate or misleading;

(4) infringing the intellectual property rights of others or involving third-party trade secrets and other proprietary rights;

(5) insulting, slandering, intimidating, involving the privacy of others and other infringements on the legitimate rights and interests of others;

(6) the existence of malware or program codes that may damage, tamper with, delete, affect the normal operation of any system of Gentlefur Studio or obtain the data, personal data of Gentleefur Studio and other users, viruses of personal data, Trojan horses, reptiles, etc.;

(7) Other provisions that violate the public interest or public morals or are governed by the relevant Gentleefur Studio agreements and rules are not suitable for publication on Gentleefur Studio.

Sixth, the user's breach of contract and treatment

6.1 Breach of contract

If one of the following occurs, it shall be deemed that you have defaulted:

(1) violating the relevant laws and regulations when using gentrefur Studio services;

(2) In violation of this Agreement or the supplementary agreement of this Agreement (i.e., Article 2.2 of this Agreement).

To accommodate the development of e-commerce and to meet the needs of a large number of users for efficient and quality services, you understand and agree thatGentlefur Studio may agree on procedures and standards for breach of contract determination in the Gentlefur Studio Rules.

6.2 Measures for the treatment of breach of contract

Information Processing: If the information you post on Gentleefur Studio constitutes a breach of contract,Gentlefur Studio may immediately delete, block or de-shelf or supervise your product in accordance with the applicable rules.

"Restrictions of Conduct" If your conduct on Gentlifur Studio, or if the acts not performed on Gentleefur Studio that affect Gentlefur Studio and its users constitute a breach of contract, Gentlefur Studio may, in accordance with the applicable rules, impose restrictions on your participation in marketing activities, suspension of the provision of some or all of the Services to you, etc. If your actions constitute a fundamental breach,Gentlefur Studio may close your account and terminate the provision of services to you.

Gentlefur Studio may make public information on the measures you have taken to deal with the above-mentioned breaches, as well as other illegal information confirmed by the legal instruments in force by the state administration or judicial authorities, on Gentleefur Studio.

6.3 Liability

If your actions cause Directfur Studio and/or its affiliates (including direct economic loss, goodwill loss and indirect economic loss of external payment, settlement, attorney's fees, legal fees, etc.), you shall indemnity Gentlifur Studio and/or its affiliates for all of the above losses.

If your actions expose Gentrefur Studio and/or its affiliates to a third party claim, Gentlefur Studio and/or its affiliates may recover all losses from you after assuming obligations such as monetary payments to third parties.

Payment may be made from your account in the event of a loss to a third party as a result of your conduct or if you neglect to comply with the transfer decision, Gentlefur Studio and/or its affiliates for the purpose of protecting the public interest or consumer rights. If your balance or margin is not sufficient to cover the sum, you agree to entrust Gentleefur Studio with its own funds to pay the above amount on your behalf, and you shall refund that portion of the fee and compensate Gentleefur Studio for all losses incurred as a result.

You agree that Gentrefur Studio will withhold the appropriate amount from your account to pay the above compensation. If the amount in your account is not sufficient to cover the above compensation, Gentlefur Studio and/or affiliates may directly deduct your interest under Gentlifur Studio and/or other agreements of its affiliates and may continue to recover.

6.4 Special Agreement

Affiliate Treatment: If you terminate this Agreement by Gentrefur Studio as a result of a serious breach, Gentlefur Studio and/or its affiliates may, for the purpose of maintaining the order of the Platform and protecting the rights and interests of consumers, take measures to suspend or even terminate the Agreement in connection with your cooperation under other Agreements and notify you in the manner set forth in Treaty VIII of this Agreement.

Gentlefur Studio may suspend or even terminate the Agreement upon receipt of instructions for the purpose of maintaining the order of the Platform and protecting the rights and interests of consumers if other agreements signed with you and in which Gentleefur Studio and/or its affiliates expressly agree to associate you with the processing of your cooperation under this Agreement, and notify you in the manner set out in Treaty VIII of this Agreement.

Changes to the agreement

Gentlefur Studio may modify this Agreement, supplementary agreement, and supplementary agreement (hereinafter "Change Matters") from time to time in accordance with national laws and regulations to change and maintain the order of transactions and protect the rights and interests of consumers, and will notify you through statutory procedures and in the manner set out in Treaty VIII of this Agreement.

If you do not agree to the change, you reserve the right to contact Gentleefur Studio for feedback prior to the effective date of the change. If feedback is accepted, Gentlefur Studio will adjust the changes as appropriate.

If you still do not agree to the changes in effect, you shall cease to use the Gentlefur Studio Services as of the effective date of the changes, and the changes will not have effect on you, and if you continue to use the Gentleefur Studio Services after the changes become effective, you agree to the changes that have taken effect.

Eight, notice

8.1 Effective contact information

When you register as a Gentlefur Studio user and accept Gentlefur Studio services, you should provide Gentlefur Studio with authentic and valid contact information (including your email address, contact number, contact address, etc.) and you are obligated to keep the information up to date and to maintain a contactable status in case of changes to your contact information.

Gentlefur Studio will serve you with notices of any kind from one or more of the above contact details, the content of which may have a material advantage or adverse effect on your rights and obligations.

You have the right to obtain commercial information such as advertising information, promotional offers, etc. of goods of interest to you through the mobile phone number or email address that you filled in when you register; If you do not wish to receive such information, you have the right to unsubscribe through the appropriate unsubscribe features provided by Gentlefur Studio.

8.2 Delivery of the notice

Gentlefur Studio notifies you by the above contact details, including, but not limited to, written notices sent electronically, including but not limited to, a mobile phone message on the Contact Phone provided to you, an email address provided to you, a system message to your account and in-site message, which is deemed to be delivered upon successful delivery; The fifth natural day after delivery of the post at the provided contact address is deemed to be delivery.

For any dispute arising out of trading activities on Gentlifur Studio, you agree that the judicial authorities (including, but not limited to, the People's Court) may serve you with legal documents (including but not limited to litigation documents) by sms, e-mail or modern means of communication such as Aliwangwang or by mail. If you specify a mobile phone number, email address, etc. to receive legal documents, the mobile phone number provided for you when You register with Gentlefur Studio, the mobile phone number provided at the time of the update, the email contact information, and the account generated when you register a Gentlefur Studio user, the judicial authorities shall be deemed to have delivered the legal documents to the above contact information. The mailing address you specify is your legal contact address or a valid contact address you provide.

You agree that the judicial authorities may provide you with legal documents by one or more of the above means of service, and that the judicial authorities may serve legal documents on you in a variety of ways, the length of service shall be the first of the above-mentioned means of service.

You agree that the above method of service applies to all stages of the judicial process. If entering the proceedings, including but not limited to first instance, second instance, retrial, execution and supervision procedures.

You should ensure that the contact information provided is accurate, valid and updated in real time. If the contact information provided is inaccurate or the changed contact information is not communicated in a timely manner, making it impossible or not delivered in a timely manner, you are solely responsible for the legal consequences that may arise.

The termination of the agreement

9.1 Circumstances of termination

User-initiated termination You have the right to terminate this Agreement in any of the following ways:

(1) you cancel your account through the self-service of the website when you meet the conditions for account cancellation as advertised by Gentrefur Studio;

(2) If you stop using the change before it comes into effect and expressly do not want to accept the change;

(iii) You expressly do not wish to continue to use the Gentlefur Studio Service and are eligible for termination of gentrefur Studio network.

"Termination initiated by Gentlefur Studio" Gentlefur Studio may notify you of termination of this Agreement in the manner set forth in Article 8 of this Agreement if:

(1) If you violate the terms of this Agreement, Gentlefur Studio terminates this Agreement in accordance with the terms of the breach;

(2) If you misappropriate another person's account, publish prohibited information, defraud another person's property, sell falsely, disturb the market order, take improper means for profit, etc., Gentlefur Studio shall seize your account in accordance with the Gentlefur Studio rules;

(iii) Except as described above, due to your repeated violations of the relevant provisions of the Gentrefur Studio Rules and the seriousness of the circumstances, Gentlefur Studios will seize your account in accordance with the Gentleefur Studio Rules;

(4) Your account has been recovered by Gentrefur Studio in accordance with this Agreement;

(5) You have committed fraud, posting or selling counterfeit/infringing goods, infringing the lawful rights and interests of others or other serious violations of the law in Gentleefur Studio;

(6) Other circumstances in which the service shall be terminated.

9.2 Processing after termination of the agreement

User Disclosure: After the termination of this Agreement, Gentlefur Studio is under no obligation to disclose any information in your account to you or to third parties designated by you, except as expressly provided by law.

Gentlefur Studio Rights After the termination of this Agreement, Gentlefur Studio still has the following rights:

(i) continue to store all kinds of information that you retain as set forth in Article 5 of this Agreement at Gentrefur Studio;

(ii) Gentlefur Studio may still hold you liable for breach of contract under this Agreement in the event of your past breach.

After the termination of this Agreement, Gentlefur Studio may notify the counterparty of the transaction and decide whether to close such trading order in accordance with the wishes of the counterparty to the transaction, and if the counterparty requests to continue to perform such trading order, you shall continue to perform the agreement of this Agreement and the trading order in accordance with such trading order and bear any loss or additional costs arising therefrom.

Ten, the application of the law, jurisdiction and other

The laws of the Mainland of the People's Republic of China shall be applied to the conclusion, entry into force, interpretation, amendment, addition, termination, enforcement and dispute resolution of this Agreement, and shall refer to commercial and/or industry practices if the law does not provide for them.

Governing: Disputes arising out of your use of the Gentleefur Studio Service and relating to the Gentlefur Studio Services are resolved by Gentleefur Studio in consultation with you. If the negotiation fails, either party may bring a suit before a people's court with jurisdiction in the place where the defendant is located.

"Separate" Any provision of this Agreement shall be deemed null and void or unenforceable and shall be deemed sistryable and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Agreement.